Easy way to Mock REST services
These days we are working more and more with REST web services. Most of the times we are writing clients to access 3rd party sevices hosted in a remote server or even local services. Sometimes in large teams one group is developing the server and other group is writing the clients to use them. In such situations client team might need to test their clients without the availablity of the real service.
Caution with Java Autoboxing
In Java Boxing means when you convert a primitive type to a reference type. So when you have some thing like
Boolean object is converted to primitive type boolean. So how this happens under the hood? Java compiler uses the method booleanValue() in Boolean class to get the primitive value. This is where you have to be careful; there is a possibility of NPE when the Boolean object is null.
Welcome to my new Blog
Welcome … I’m testing my new blog powered by hugo and github pages. I’ve bein using blogger for sometime. Blogger is really nice platform, but sometimes formatting a post takes lot of effort. Especially when I need to add some code samples it is not that easy.
I love markdown, and I use it all the time in my day-today work. So wanted to try out static site generation using markdown.