Introductons to Kubernetes - Part 1
Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It has become the de-facto standard for container orchestration, and is widely used in production environments.
If you’re new to Kubernetes, you may find it overwhelming to get started. Fortunately, there are several tools and distributions that make it easier to get up and running with Kubernetes, even if you’re just starting out. One such tool is k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution designed for easy installation and low resource usage.
Jenkins Role Based Access
Jenkins out of the box do not have Role based access support. But when using Jenkins in an organization we need to separate the access to different jenkins pipelines based on the user groups. For example developers should not have the access to production related pipelines.
Fortunately there is a Jenkins plugin called “Role-based Authorization Strategy” to facilitate exactly this. It has bit of a complex workflow, but it provides the feature we need :).
Getting Started with React Native
React Native is a framework that allows us to create Native Android and iOS applications using JavaScripts by Facebook. It is a extention of React JavaScript framework available for Web application development. With React-Native we can create native android or iOS applications without knowing much about native application development. It opens up the native application development to web developers who knows JavaScript and CSS.
Main advantage of React-Native becomes very clear when we won’t to develop an application which requires a normal Web interface and native Android and iOS applications.
Understanding Guava Lists.transform()
Guava is a wonderful library by Google. Before Java 8 Guava was one of the best ways to use functional programming in Java.
I’ve being using Guava in one of my projects and came accross an strance issue reasontly. I had a list of items and I wanted to convert them to different object and filter some of those items.
After filtering I was changing some values in the list items.
Super Charge Your Shell with ZSH
I’ve being using Linux as my primary OS for about 6 years. Since I’m doing programming all the time, I use shell all the time to perform various task from compiling to commiting code. First I used the normal Terminal comes with Ubuntu and then for about three years I’ve being using Terminator. Terminator is better than normal terminal since it has split screen feature. But no matter what the frontend, underneath It is still the BASH.